Our Team

Jonathan Spetner

Jonathan Spetner

Jonathan grew up in St. Louis, MO and returned there in 1986, after a successful business career in New York City, to join his father in the family insurance business. Jonathan focuses on all aspects of life insurance and uses life insurance for estate, business, and tax planning.

Aaron Spetner

Aaron Spetner

Aaron is involved in all aspects Information Technology for the Spetner family insurance business. Aaron successfully designed and implemented the “BenManage” employee benefit portal used by employees to hire employees and enroll them in their insurance benefits. Aaron lives with his wife and two children in Beitar Illit, Israel.

Judah Spetner

Judah Spetner

Judah joined the family business in 2010 and focuses on the insurance benefits bought by employees through payroll deduction at the worksite. Judah lives with his wife and three children in Cincinnati, OH.

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